Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Week 6 Story: The Prince and the Farmer

Once there were two very close friends. They were actually cousins who did not know each other for the first few years of their lives. One was a prince, Abhaji, and one was a farmer's son, Zhanni. The prince grew up in the palace, with a royal guard named Ramishi who was tasked to watch over him. One day, Ramishi told Abhaji that they must leave the palace due to rising tensions between the kingdom and a rival. They left the palace to live with the king's common born half-sister who had a son the same age as the prince. This son was Zhanni, the cousin and soon to be friend of Prince Abhaji.

They did not know what to make of each other at first. They had many scuffles and arguments and competitions, but they became as close as any two brothers. They spent five years together on the farm with Ramishi teaching them the ways of the sword and bow, and Zhanni's mother teaching them about courtly duties. These peaceful years ended with a message delivered to the prince. The message held news of the King's death. Abhaji and Ramishi were required to return to the palace where Abhaji would be crowned King. Then, because it was discovered that the previous king was assassinated by the rival kingdom, preparations to defend the kingdom began.

Back on the peaceful farm, Zhanni heard news of the approaching war and, wishing to help defend his friend and cousin's kingdom, decided to join the army of warriors. The army prepared to defend the kingdom and was divided up and  camped near each gate of the city. They were ready to defend the city at a moment's notice.

When news came of the rival kingdom's warriors approaching, Abhaji visited the different camps to inspect his troops and raise morale. In one of the camps, he saw a very familiar face and was shocked. However, being a king who must be in control at all times, the only sign of this shock was a slight widening of his eyes. Zhanni had seen Abhaji as well and, of course, he could read his cousin like a book. Zhanni gave a confident smile in response to the shock and worry that he saw in Abhaji's eyes. Zhanni was confident that both of them would make it out of the war alive.

The battle to defend the kingdom

Two days after the king's visit to the camps, the kingdom was attacked. The sound of metal clashing and bow strings twanging could be heard the entire day. At the end of the fight the fields were soaked in blood from both sides, but Abhaji's kingdom was safe once again. In the aftermath of the battle the king wandered around his injured warriors and gave them thanks and encouragement and well wishes. He also kept an eye out for Zhanni in the hope of finding him alive. When Zhanni was found he was laying amongst the injured and entirely covered in blood. Abhaji rushed to his cousin's side and reached out to feel for a pulse…

Which ending would you like to read? Is Zhanni alive? Or is he dead?


  1. Hello Raph3al,
    Okay so it’s crazy how you started this story off. I actually low key had this happen in my life…with two different people. It’s a crazy world. I love that you gave us options of what ending to have. Sometimes I just don’t want to be depressed. You know, it would have been terrible if you gave us the option, but then gave each link the opposite ending or the same ending.

  2. Raph3al,

    You idea of allowing me to choose my own ending is fantastic! I really liked it. This is the first story I've seen with this idea implemented, and I thought you did it really well.
    I did notice that you didn't have an author's note. I was wondering- what was your inspiration for this story? Why did you allow the reader to decide rather than write your specific ending? I'm just curious.
