Saturday, January 25, 2020

Positive Thinking and Feedback Thoughts

The fear of making mistakes or not doing well can stop anyone from even attempting something new. The goal is to get past the fear or self-doubt and try anyway because mistakes are the greatest learning tool. There are certainly examples in my life that I've learned from mistakes and that learning is still with me today.
Getting feedback on pretty much anything can be very helpful because someone else might think of something you did not consider. Also, it's always good to have a second set of eyes because it can be easy to miss your own mistakes, especially in writing.
Two articles I read had some very good advice. The first one, Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work by John Spencer, goes well with Growth Mindset and tells us that we should not be comparing ourselves to others nor attempting to be perfect. This is good advice because it is way too easy to compare ourselves to others and find more reasons to doubt ourselves because of that. Also, in attempting to be perfect can erase the character of the individual in their work and that is no good. The other article, A Simple 5-Second Habit to Rewire Your Harshly Self-Critical Brain by Joel Almeida, uses science to tell us that we can develop our brains to be more helpful and stop being too critical of ourselves. This reminds me of a saying I've heard, "Life is what you make it." And thus is completely true because there is huge difference in the enjoyment someone gets out of something depending on their attitude.

Positive Thinking Cat

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