Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Technology Tools

The majority of the mentioned websites I have never used before other than, of course, canvas. The websites used for this class are very different from I am used to an online class doing. Usually everything is on canvas so this is a refreshing change to be able to use and explore other websites. I am looking forward to creating a website due to that being something I have never done before but know people who have done so. I have never kept any sort of blog before and while learning to do so is very interesting, I don't see myself continuing with a blog after this class. However, maybe this class will change my mind on that.
As far as the tools mentioned I have always used folders to organize my bookmarks which, now that there are so many of them, is a necessity for me to be able to find anything. I have not had to use a word count or spell checker on my browser before because any writing I did was through Google docs and that acts very much like Microsoft Word does. I have never had a reason to use more than one web browser and likely will not because I have yet to find a website that Chrome, my preferred web browser, will not load nicely. However I do think Firefox is also a good browser and if Chrome stopped working for me that is the one I would switch to.

The Battle of The Browsers 

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