Sunday, January 19, 2020

Time Strategies

For this semester, at least for this class, I believe working ahead will be the best strategy. And for classes where I can't work ahead, the best strategy would be to just start the work when it is given. That way I can get a feel for how long it will take and can then plan on working so many hours a day on it to get it done on time without getting swamped with work. Bellow is the two articles I read and found very interesting and because of them, I plan to keep in mind my end goal and make sure that I stay motivated to do my work as well as start work by determining a small first step and just doing it. Another great strategy I will follow this semester is to separate myself from distractions as much as possible.

The Important Habit of Just Starting
I found this one very interesting because thinking back on my own experiences I have noticed this is very true. There's been many time where something seems to big or daunting and so I never start. And there are other times where I've found if I just start it then I'll be able to finish it even if it was something I wasn't looking forward to doing or thought would be hard to finish.

How to Beat Procrastination
I decided to read this one because procrastination is one of my major weaknesses. This goes along well with the previous mentioned article because there are both about starting a project and focusing on the future goal.

A procrastinators reasoning...

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